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Monday, July 29, 2013

Where is the Summer Going?

This has been a crazy summer for me - for a lot of reasons... and because I feel like I've done nothing FUN! The winter and spring semesters were really tough, so for the summer I decided to only take three classes so I could enjoy the summer. The three weeks off between semesters was awesome - I needed it. I was chosen from our student body as one of the new Student Ambassadors! That was such an honor! We got to talk the incoming class about student life at school. I really can't believe I'm only - or already - halfway through school!

Because of a turn of events, I decided to take all online classes this semester. They are very intense because 11 weeks are crammed into 5 1/2 weeks, but that's OK - I can do it. I'm still taking 12 credits.

I've been doing the online dating thing - not very happy - until recently. I've met this really nice guy, he's about my age, was married for 21 years, and we have a lot in common. I'm really hoping this turns into a relationship - at least for the companionship and not being alone all the time, which sucks!

We'll see...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

I can't believe it's the 4th already - where did the summer go? I ended up with another 4.0 for the semester and could not be happier! I was chosen to be a Student Ambassador for our school - that program is just getting off the ground and I'm so proud to be chosen. We have a lot of plans for it! I'm the only "girl" - the other members are guys.

I start the new semester on Monday. I've also done an initial interview at a local restaurant for a prep cook. I'm so hoping I get it!

The Internet dating - putting that AWAY for now! Disaster! It's like the whole dating process is on speed. No one wants to take the time to know you, they don't want to waste any time so they can move on to the next one. Anyway, long story short, school and work and training need to be my priorities for now.

Just figured out I'm 90 credits into my degree - only 90 more to go. LOL!

That's it for now. Looking forward to the next semester.