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Friday, January 20, 2012

It's finally winter in the Detroit area!

But not like winter back in Kalamazoo or Battle Creek! It's cold, there's some snow, but no appreciable amount of snow. I'm not complaining at all!! I got an automatic car starter from Ramzi for Christmas and I'm really appreciating that. Plus I can park my car under a car port, so I don't have frost to contend with in the morning. Good thing as I've been leaving late every morning for some reason...oh, yeah, I THINK I'm able to finish up school work or study in the morning and run out of time! I need time management skills!!!

This week in the kitchen...felt like quitting again. I'm serious - this is soooo stressful. We are down a man now because one of the guys in our group dropped the class. Actually, every table has three people now. But, our table just can't seem to manage to get stuff done. We've had mixer issues. Can you believe I'm spending boo coo bucks for this school and they don't have enough mixers for each group????? We've had issues three of the four days we've been in class. I had to go scrounging for a mixer for one of the other kitchens; and while we were making bread dough, it started smoking and quit. So, now at the beginning of class everyone starts running for the table with the mixers...isn't that crazy? But, back in the good old days, they didn't use mixers, or proof boxes, or gas ranges, so I guess I shouldn't complain!

Our group has been having issues with our doughs not rising. I believe I have it narrowed down to one of the guys at our table who really doesn't give a rats behind if things turn out or not or if we get done or not. He just wants to get through this class. He's a culinary student, not baking and pastry and this class is a bore to him. He doesn't believe in the science of baking that things have to be precise. Yeast has to bloom correctly or the dough won't turn out. That means the water you dump the active dry yeast into has to be between 100 and 110 degrees. We made our brioche dough - which takes many steps and two days - and it didn't turn out. Very disappointing. So the other guy and I are going into open lab tomorrow (yes, Saturday morning from 7 am to noon!!!) to try four of the recipes again and see how we make out. Our chef told us if something fails, we should try to redo it as soon as possible to correct our mistake. She is hard on us. I also have her for a baking and pastry theory class, where we go more in depth with the theory of baking. I took a quiz yesterday and only got one wrong I think.

So, next week it's cookies and brownies - a bit easier - I hope! Our group is trying different ways of distributing the work. We just need to get things right and get things done in time so our grade does not suffer. Oh, I got a job interview next week at the school. Not sure I want a job this semester, but I'm going to take the interview to see what's involved.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Photos From Class

If you can believe it, we made about 10 different items over two days, constantly learning things as we went. Did you know that scones are made using the Biscuit Method? Zucchini Bread and Blueberry Muffins are made using the Muffin Method but Lemon Poppyseed Muffins are made using the Creaming Method. Focaccia, Whole Wheat Bread, and Soft Yeast Dinner Rolls are made using the Straight Dough Method. We have something called Proof Boxes - tall boxes with shelves which are temperature and humidity controlled where we can allow our baked goods to "ferment" and "proof." See, I am learning something! After only two 5 hour days in the kitchen, next week we are attempting Brioche Parisian, Challah, Puff Pastry, Jalapeno Corn Muffins, Cream Cheese Filling, Almond Paste Filling, Palmiers, Vol-au-vents/Bouchee (your guess is as good as mine?) Cream Filled Napoleons, and Creme Patisserie.
Wish me luck!
Chocolate-Cherry Scones - the best in class that day! You can see there are 2 missing - I'm in a group with three guys!
Zucchini Bread right out of the oven...

...and sliced! Only half a scone left after the rest of the class wanted to taste the best scones!

       Focaccia Bread - where's the Roasted Pepper Tapenade???
And finally, the Dinner Rolls! Notice something missing??? We forgot the eggwash, but they tasted awesome!

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13th

Well, a new year has begun in full force. School is overwhelming already and I'm only in my first week! I didn't have the chance to prepare for the new semester as well as I would have liked because I got back from vacation Sunday afternoon and started school Monday. I'll know better next time. I spent a fantastic week back in Johnstown. My Dad turned 80 and we had a party with 12 of us helping him celebrate.  It was good to be back home. Then Ramzi - a very nice man I'm seeing - and I spent a weekend at Seven Springs Resort in Pennslyvania at a Culinary Getaway! The food was fantastic, as well as the cooking demos and all the new information and techniques I learned. Over Christmas break I'll bet I gained 10 pounds, which now makes a total of about 30 I need to lose.

The rest of the break was amazing as well. I really needed the three weeks off. I spent Christmas with Chris and then a few days after at Jason's house with both boys. The Christmas Eve service at church was so nice. It was good to find out the Detroit Lions were in the playoffs! That was the buzz at church that night. Unfortunately both Detroit and Pittsburgh are out of the playoffs. I can not wait to see the Patriots run all over the Denver Broncos this weekend. I WILL take time out to watch that game!

I'm so blessed to have my two boys, I really am and need to just keep remembering that. They are both amazing men and keep me afloat.

I'm trying desperately to get caught up and ahead a bit today. It's Friday and we have Monday off for MLK Day. So, I have today, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and most of Tuesday to get caught up and ahead hopefully. I have about 10 chapters to read from this week plus next week's reading; two speeches to write - one of which is a demonstration; MATH problems to do. First I have to learn math; a signature dish to dream up and a concept restaurant and menu to start creating for a later due date; tons of recipes to write; a quiz to study for; vocabulary to submit; start a project where we have to deconstruct a recipe, replacing one ingredient to make it a healthier option (a guy from my other class and I are working on that together - we KNOW we'll share the work evenly!), and THEN I can start on next week's reading and vocabulary, and, and, and! How do the young kids in my classes do it? Most of them work, in fact, most of the students work full or part-time. I would have been working this semester at school if the budget wouldn't have been cut. Maybe that's a blessing. Don't know if I could have worked 20 hours a week with all of this school work. But, I guess you do what you have to do.

This semester is Baking and Pastry!!! I KNOW this stuff, at least the very basics, not the science behind it. BUT why is it I break into a cold sweat and my brain won't let me think? We have SOOO much to do in the five hours in class, then we do it all over again the next day for five hours. I wish I could just relax. My brain would let me think instead of being blocked and I wouldn't be making so many mistakes. It's just the pressure we're under, getting us ready for the real world.

Well, better get to it. More later!!