OK, anyone who read my blog in the last month is probably surprised that I deleted the last two posts. Let me explain...I guess I wanted to pretend it never happened.
After swearing off dating online - I did it again! Jeez! Anyway, I met this really nice guy, my age, and we started communicating. I met three or four others, but this one stuck. We went out a few times and really, really hit it off. I fell HARD! He was living apart from his ex of 33 years for a year, but was only officially divorced since this past July. We started seeing each other in October. I thought it was perfect. We had so much in common, we just melted together. I really, really thought this was it...
Then, well then it wasn't. He asked me last week if we could slow things down - just be friends. What? How can you go from loving someone to then becoming just friends? I said I couldn't do it - it would be too hard. He then admitted that perhaps he wasn't ready for this kind of a relationship. I think with the holidays, and his telling his ex about me and her saying she didn't want to see him again, and his not telling his kids about me because she asked him not to...the signs were there. I asked him if he thought he was really ready for this kind of relationship and he got mad at me and said I hurt him. I think he didn't want to admit it quite then, but then, he did. So, of course, this happens the week after I introduce him to Jason and Brittany. I just feel so foolish - how could I fall that hard...I guess because I did!
I feel gutted. How can I keep going through this? Is it because I don't want to be alone and I'll put up with crap just so I'm not? I know the couple guys I was seeing over the spring and summer were not good for me - I knew it and I know it. I just didn't want to be alone.
So, there was a guy from the summer. We saw each other a few times. I had surgery and said I'd be out of commission for six weeks. He contacted me several times after that, but I just wasn't sure about it. He was sorta persistent. Well, a few days before the other guy and I talked and he said he wanted to just be friends and I said no was the day guy 2 texted me and asked how I was. I told him I was seeing someone, but not sure how it was going to end up. I told him if things fell apart, maybe I'd call him. I didn't know what I was doing. So, I texted him and told him that I was no longer seeing the other guy. He said, when can I see you. I said Friday. Am I crazy or what? We've seen each other a few times since then and we're seeing each other this week. He is super nice. I'm in limbo I guess.
Well, there it is...UUUGGGHHH!
School is awesome - I have a 3.9999999 - rounded up to a cumulative 4.0 GPA. I'm so proud of myself. I never would have said anything like that when I was married.
Work at the restaurant is going OK - I just wish I could be what I think I could be. I know these people have been doing this for years and I just really started in the kitchen in September/October, but I guess I've always expected too much from myself. I know that had a lot to do with my divorce...
I've been thinking about Dan quite a bit lately. There are times when days and days will go by with just a casual thought, but then there are times when I so wish I could turn back the clock and do things all over again the right way. I know that and I'd probably do anything to have that happen, but would it really make any difference? Would that have prevented him from wandering - from pulling away from me? Would that have prevented him from falling in love with someone I considered a friend? Was it fate?
I want to decorate for Christmas and I don't. Like I said, I think I'm in limbo right now. I think I'm probably heading for another disappointment. Terrible to think that way, when this guy could be the guy. I'm not saying a word to the boys about it - maybe in a year or so...LOL!
Thanks for viewing my Blog! It means a lot to me.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
I just read my last post - wow a lot has happened since then! The guy - didn't work out, and he's the LAST! I'm done with online dating. My opinions on it - and I could write a book - are guys who've been divorced a while want:
My job is very demanding, no lie. I keep with up with what I need to do, and it's exactly what I've wanted and needed, but it's HARD! I feel like I've been hit by a truck every morning when I get up after 10 hours at work the day before. I'm working three days a week, then school, and homework, and I want to get back to the gym regularly. I really don't have time for guys, but, I can't say I don't miss a relationship. I guess I always will.
I had a dream last night. It was so silly! Something was happening to the planet, and only a few people who had these contraptions could escape, and only 17 people could fit into one. Dan and I were in a group, and there were 18 of us. Dan said he'd go on that one and not stay with me. I even asked him if I could get his jacket for him before he left. It felt so real. He made that decision without giving me a thought. It hurt, my heart hurt when I woke up.
Work, I'm learning so much! My knife skills after 6 days are so much better, I can't believe it. I had blisters on my left index finger from using my knife so much. Yesterday the exec. chef asked me to come over and watch how they fabricated a certain fish that's a huge seller on their menu. Then he had me do one. That's what I love! Learning new things, new ways of doing things, there are 10,000 ways to do everything, but learning their way is what's important. I'm learning that if we're doing roasted potatoes for a plated wedding of 220, you need do process about 60 pounds. I'm learning that and, 10,000 other facts. I can't even remember all that I've done. They do a lot of sous vide and I'm so interested in that. That's cooking in a constant temperature in water. The product is vacuum sealed, and goes for hours and is perfectly done every time. They do a lot of charcutiere, and I want to get as much experience with that as possible. They are constantly smoking something, and I want that experience. I want to learn it all. Every time someone is making something - either on the restaurant side or on my side - banquets - I ask to taste it so I know what it should taste like if I need to make it.
Two nights ago, we were caught up, so I spent almost 4 hours cleaning out hot boxes. You know, those metal boxes that are electric, or some are just heated with sterno, that you transport the food from the kitchen down the hall to the event, or, when we're plating up for a wedding, we put the dinners in there, then when it's time for the servers to serve, we take them out, take the plastic plate covers off, sauce them, and they are hot! I'm learning to be quicker with putting potatoes on a plate and sliding it down to the next person putting something else on the plate and so on. I'm learning to grab exactly 7 string beans and placing them nicely on a plate in a split second or someone will come over and take over for me because I'm not quick enough. Picking up steaming plates from a hot box and touching them - again and again and again, until soon I won't even feel the pain anymore. Chopping up 60#s of this or breading and searing off 220 chicken breasts or chopping tons of parsley into an almost dust consistency. Making a marchand (sp) sauce from 50# of scrap meat, tons of shallots, leeks, garlic, etc., and that's probably enough for two events!
I'm trying to get my homework done for this last week of school, which is a lot because it's two online classes that have been condensed into 5 1/2 weeks. I've had to write eight papers a week between the two classes for the last 5 weeks, now I have 4 papers and two finals to complete in the next week, Back to it.
This job is great for losing weight - I'm constantly moving and on my feet, and not time to eat! That's why I'm getting a better work, school, and gym schedule worked out so my eating and working out are more balanced in my life. I have lost about 14 pounds since last summer, and want to lose 8 more and I'll be back to where I was 2 years ago. I can't wait to "shop" my closet on break next week!
- What they didn't have in their marriage - a much younger chick
- They don't want to put up with anything - if there's something not perfect, they are gone. For me, that was my decision not to get a tan or a manicure for him. How can I work in a restaurant with red gel nails?
- They aren't interested in a long term thing - they have it too good right now!
- Sex, as soon as they can get it
My job is very demanding, no lie. I keep with up with what I need to do, and it's exactly what I've wanted and needed, but it's HARD! I feel like I've been hit by a truck every morning when I get up after 10 hours at work the day before. I'm working three days a week, then school, and homework, and I want to get back to the gym regularly. I really don't have time for guys, but, I can't say I don't miss a relationship. I guess I always will.
I had a dream last night. It was so silly! Something was happening to the planet, and only a few people who had these contraptions could escape, and only 17 people could fit into one. Dan and I were in a group, and there were 18 of us. Dan said he'd go on that one and not stay with me. I even asked him if I could get his jacket for him before he left. It felt so real. He made that decision without giving me a thought. It hurt, my heart hurt when I woke up.
Work, I'm learning so much! My knife skills after 6 days are so much better, I can't believe it. I had blisters on my left index finger from using my knife so much. Yesterday the exec. chef asked me to come over and watch how they fabricated a certain fish that's a huge seller on their menu. Then he had me do one. That's what I love! Learning new things, new ways of doing things, there are 10,000 ways to do everything, but learning their way is what's important. I'm learning that if we're doing roasted potatoes for a plated wedding of 220, you need do process about 60 pounds. I'm learning that and, 10,000 other facts. I can't even remember all that I've done. They do a lot of sous vide and I'm so interested in that. That's cooking in a constant temperature in water. The product is vacuum sealed, and goes for hours and is perfectly done every time. They do a lot of charcutiere, and I want to get as much experience with that as possible. They are constantly smoking something, and I want that experience. I want to learn it all. Every time someone is making something - either on the restaurant side or on my side - banquets - I ask to taste it so I know what it should taste like if I need to make it.
Two nights ago, we were caught up, so I spent almost 4 hours cleaning out hot boxes. You know, those metal boxes that are electric, or some are just heated with sterno, that you transport the food from the kitchen down the hall to the event, or, when we're plating up for a wedding, we put the dinners in there, then when it's time for the servers to serve, we take them out, take the plastic plate covers off, sauce them, and they are hot! I'm learning to be quicker with putting potatoes on a plate and sliding it down to the next person putting something else on the plate and so on. I'm learning to grab exactly 7 string beans and placing them nicely on a plate in a split second or someone will come over and take over for me because I'm not quick enough. Picking up steaming plates from a hot box and touching them - again and again and again, until soon I won't even feel the pain anymore. Chopping up 60#s of this or breading and searing off 220 chicken breasts or chopping tons of parsley into an almost dust consistency. Making a marchand (sp) sauce from 50# of scrap meat, tons of shallots, leeks, garlic, etc., and that's probably enough for two events!
I'm trying to get my homework done for this last week of school, which is a lot because it's two online classes that have been condensed into 5 1/2 weeks. I've had to write eight papers a week between the two classes for the last 5 weeks, now I have 4 papers and two finals to complete in the next week, Back to it.
This job is great for losing weight - I'm constantly moving and on my feet, and not time to eat! That's why I'm getting a better work, school, and gym schedule worked out so my eating and working out are more balanced in my life. I have lost about 14 pounds since last summer, and want to lose 8 more and I'll be back to where I was 2 years ago. I can't wait to "shop" my closet on break next week!
Monday, July 29, 2013
Where is the Summer Going?
This has been a crazy summer for me - for a lot of reasons... and because I feel like I've done nothing FUN! The winter and spring semesters were really tough, so for the summer I decided to only take three classes so I could enjoy the summer. The three weeks off between semesters was awesome - I needed it. I was chosen from our student body as one of the new Student Ambassadors! That was such an honor! We got to talk the incoming class about student life at school. I really can't believe I'm only - or already - halfway through school!
Because of a turn of events, I decided to take all online classes this semester. They are very intense because 11 weeks are crammed into 5 1/2 weeks, but that's OK - I can do it. I'm still taking 12 credits.
I've been doing the online dating thing - not very happy - until recently. I've met this really nice guy, he's about my age, was married for 21 years, and we have a lot in common. I'm really hoping this turns into a relationship - at least for the companionship and not being alone all the time, which sucks!
We'll see...
Because of a turn of events, I decided to take all online classes this semester. They are very intense because 11 weeks are crammed into 5 1/2 weeks, but that's OK - I can do it. I'm still taking 12 credits.
I've been doing the online dating thing - not very happy - until recently. I've met this really nice guy, he's about my age, was married for 21 years, and we have a lot in common. I'm really hoping this turns into a relationship - at least for the companionship and not being alone all the time, which sucks!
We'll see...
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy 4th of July!
I can't believe it's the 4th already - where did the summer go? I ended up with another 4.0 for the semester and could not be happier! I was chosen to be a Student Ambassador for our school - that program is just getting off the ground and I'm so proud to be chosen. We have a lot of plans for it! I'm the only "girl" - the other members are guys.
I start the new semester on Monday. I've also done an initial interview at a local restaurant for a prep cook. I'm so hoping I get it!
The Internet dating - putting that AWAY for now! Disaster! It's like the whole dating process is on speed. No one wants to take the time to know you, they don't want to waste any time so they can move on to the next one. Anyway, long story short, school and work and training need to be my priorities for now.
Just figured out I'm 90 credits into my degree - only 90 more to go. LOL!
That's it for now. Looking forward to the next semester.
I start the new semester on Monday. I've also done an initial interview at a local restaurant for a prep cook. I'm so hoping I get it!
The Internet dating - putting that AWAY for now! Disaster! It's like the whole dating process is on speed. No one wants to take the time to know you, they don't want to waste any time so they can move on to the next one. Anyway, long story short, school and work and training need to be my priorities for now.
Just figured out I'm 90 credits into my degree - only 90 more to go. LOL!
That's it for now. Looking forward to the next semester.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Almost Over!
Today I have my last two finals for the semester, then three weeks off! Can't wait! Yesterday was our Art Culinaire final and it was awesome! I am so going to miss that class. Here's the dishes. I don't remember what's in the one's our group didn't do, so I can't put much of an explanation. Our group was responsible for the Amuse Bouche and the Dessert course.
We did a rustic dish that showcases what spring has to offer in Michigan - Mushrooms (we were supposed to use Morels - but too expensive!) and asparagus. The recipe recommends that you serve it over a chewy noodle, such as a STROZZAPRETI, but we chose instead to serve it in a phyllo cup, as it is a one bit dish. It was so much fun to make! It also had crème fraishe, goat cheese, shallots, garlic, and button mushrooms. We served it on a simple bed of arugula dressed with a lemon vinaigrette.
Our dessert - YUMMY! We played around with a lot of ideas, but finally came up with three tiny brownies - cherry, pecan, and plain, topped with Cream Cheese ice cream (that recipe was the BOMB!), and then the plain brownie was topped with a chocolate sauce and then banana brulee. The cherry brownie was topped with the ice cream and a cherry coulis. The pecan brownie was topped with ice cream and a wonderful pecan caramel sauce. I made chocolate covered cherries at home that sat for about 5 days that were pretty good, although not exactly as I would have liked them to be. Too hard on myself. But, got an A in the class!
Today I present my portfolio in Creative Writing. I'm very proud of how my portfolio turned out. It's a culmination of our best works from the semester, set up as if it were a published book. I poured a lot of my heart and soul into those pieces of writing - a lot of closure, which is good. I've got 500/500 points in that class so far, so I'm sure I'm gonna get an A in that class!
Then, after that class lets out at 5:00, I'm driving into downtown Detroit to a Cuban restaurant - taking four other students with me - for our Spanish final. We're going to taste 8 or 9 tapas dishes and we have to describe them in Spanish. The second part of the final is going to be hard - I hate Spanish, to be honest. Our teacher went way too fast in the class. Less than half of the class has had Spanish. The rest of us are just hanging on. I'd say he's tutoring at least a third of the class - including me. I ended up purchasing Rosetta Stone and I'm going to work with that until I have to take Spanish II, which I've decided to put off for a while. Anyway, we'll probably not leave Detroit until about 10 or so, which makes for a long day - but - then it's all over!
I started Internet dating. What an experience - mostly bad - except I have met a very nice guy - Bill. We have a lot in common, he lives about 5 minutes away from me, and it just feels right. We're going to Toronto while I'm on break for a weekend and I'm so excited because I've never been there. We've talked about quite a few things to do, so I think this summer is going to be one of the best I've had in quite awhile.
Still training for the triathlon.
Here are the photos of the dishes from class:
We did a rustic dish that showcases what spring has to offer in Michigan - Mushrooms (we were supposed to use Morels - but too expensive!) and asparagus. The recipe recommends that you serve it over a chewy noodle, such as a STROZZAPRETI, but we chose instead to serve it in a phyllo cup, as it is a one bit dish. It was so much fun to make! It also had crème fraishe, goat cheese, shallots, garlic, and button mushrooms. We served it on a simple bed of arugula dressed with a lemon vinaigrette.
Our dessert - YUMMY! We played around with a lot of ideas, but finally came up with three tiny brownies - cherry, pecan, and plain, topped with Cream Cheese ice cream (that recipe was the BOMB!), and then the plain brownie was topped with a chocolate sauce and then banana brulee. The cherry brownie was topped with the ice cream and a cherry coulis. The pecan brownie was topped with ice cream and a wonderful pecan caramel sauce. I made chocolate covered cherries at home that sat for about 5 days that were pretty good, although not exactly as I would have liked them to be. Too hard on myself. But, got an A in the class!
Today I present my portfolio in Creative Writing. I'm very proud of how my portfolio turned out. It's a culmination of our best works from the semester, set up as if it were a published book. I poured a lot of my heart and soul into those pieces of writing - a lot of closure, which is good. I've got 500/500 points in that class so far, so I'm sure I'm gonna get an A in that class!
Then, after that class lets out at 5:00, I'm driving into downtown Detroit to a Cuban restaurant - taking four other students with me - for our Spanish final. We're going to taste 8 or 9 tapas dishes and we have to describe them in Spanish. The second part of the final is going to be hard - I hate Spanish, to be honest. Our teacher went way too fast in the class. Less than half of the class has had Spanish. The rest of us are just hanging on. I'd say he's tutoring at least a third of the class - including me. I ended up purchasing Rosetta Stone and I'm going to work with that until I have to take Spanish II, which I've decided to put off for a while. Anyway, we'll probably not leave Detroit until about 10 or so, which makes for a long day - but - then it's all over!
I started Internet dating. What an experience - mostly bad - except I have met a very nice guy - Bill. We have a lot in common, he lives about 5 minutes away from me, and it just feels right. We're going to Toronto while I'm on break for a weekend and I'm so excited because I've never been there. We've talked about quite a few things to do, so I think this summer is going to be one of the best I've had in quite awhile.
Still training for the triathlon.
Here are the photos of the dishes from class:
Seared Scallops in a Strawberry Balsamic
Grilled Flank Steak Salad
I don't remember the protein, but the sauce was awesome!
Braised Venison, Fried Potato Pancakes, and Asparagus
An Asian Curry Dish
Brownies Three Ways
Our tweaked Morel Mushroom, Asparagus and Garlic Rustic Pasta Dish in Phyllo Cup
Sunday, May 19, 2013
May is Half Over!
I can't believe May is half over - where did the month go? It is certainly Spring, that's for sure. Only about four more weeks of school then three weeks off! I can't wait. Trying to decide what I'm going to do. I'm really thinking of going to Cancun - just to get away. I need the break.
School has been going well. The triathlon training, not so much. But, I'm being persistent and pushing myself. I'll get there. I decided to drop out of the May tri and do the August one instead - I'm no where near ready, especially with the swimming. I'm just struggling with it.
Trying something new - Internet Dating!! I've finally realized that my relationship from last year is...over for good. So, I'm giving this a try. I'm talking to one guy who seems really nice, so, we'll see.
I had a wonderful Mother's Day. Jason, Brittany and Chris were here for the weekend. It was the best! I've worked the past few Mother's Days, so this was very nice.
School has been going well. The triathlon training, not so much. But, I'm being persistent and pushing myself. I'll get there. I decided to drop out of the May tri and do the August one instead - I'm no where near ready, especially with the swimming. I'm just struggling with it.
Trying something new - Internet Dating!! I've finally realized that my relationship from last year is...over for good. So, I'm giving this a try. I'm talking to one guy who seems really nice, so, we'll see.
I had a wonderful Mother's Day. Jason, Brittany and Chris were here for the weekend. It was the best! I've worked the past few Mother's Days, so this was very nice.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
It's been a Good Couple of Weeks!
Wow, this semester is so much better than last semester! I am so glad I dropped one of my labs - I feel so much less stress! I've been down a bit, but really having fun in school, lots of great friends to hang out with, meeting new friends through the triathlon training, and just trying to RELAX, RELAX, RELAX!
My Creative Writing class is awesome! I'm learning so much, and my writing is starting to show it. Spanish I...I'll have a tutor the rest of the semester I guess.Why are so many things so hard for me to grasp????? I plan to take Spanish II next semester, so I hope it starts clicking! Art Culinaire Class - LOVE IT! It's a new class for our school. There are 14 of us in class and we are doing awesome dishes! it's a class like no other I've taken so far. Each week we prepare a six or seven course meal (each group of 2 prepares one course). We take a break and watch as each team plates up so we can learn new techniques. If someone is caught up, they help the others or start the never-ending sink of dishes. If we start plating at say 2:30p, then the next course needs to be ready 10 minutes later, then the next 15 minutes and so on to teach us pacing and plating on time. I wanted to share the dishes with you. I try EVERYTHING! The foie gras, the clams, the eel, pork cheek, everything! If I'm going to have to cook it some day, I need to know what it tastes like. But, everything tastes amazing. it was funny - this past week, when the ice cream dish was done, everyone RAN down to the last table to try it - most of our class is guys! I was doing dishes (I usually do - rather than then scrub the floors!) and got my butt over to the table. My partner and I usually share each dish. I was nice and let her have more of the ice cream...I grabbed one that was melted and drank it. One of the guys grabbed the left over ice cream that was in the bowl and did the same thing! It was the most awesome vanilla ice cream I've ever tasted. There are SMILES all over the room during class! We all consider ourselves very fortunate to be in the class - our instructor is so cool - and so talented! For our final, we'll start at 11:30a, preparing to serve 45 or so guests who will be attending a fundraiser for the school. We'll probably not get out until 10:30 that night. Just like a real restaurant. OMG - the Duck, Duck, Goose dish (picture below) - we were devouring it. So, the first week, I'm making the rice tapioca and it did not set up. I told chef, and he said, then what can we do? Something has to "go out". He suggested serving it in Cosmo glasses, and top it with the mango! You never would have known it had failed. The mango I had was so unripe it wasn't even funny. He suggested we make a simple syrup and poach it just a bit to incorporate some sweetness, as well as soften it up. For another of our dishes (the one with the lotus chips), we couldn't get the oblong white plates that I wanted to serve the appetizers on - we ended up using WAY TOO BIG plates. Plus they were green - didn't have a lot of color or shapes to play with. My partner suggested we pickle some cucumber slices in red wine vinegar for a bit. That was what it needed. Now, I have to start coming up with "fixes" instead of just asking what can we do? It's totally thinking outside the box.
Oh, I might get the opportunity to intern on a food truck this next semester! You know those trucks that drive around town and park somewhere and text you and let you know where they'll be that day? Very popular on the west coast. Anyway, that's one of the ideas I've got floating around in my head. So, before I write a business plan, I'd like to be able to try it out and see if it indeed is something I want to do. Something tells me that I mentioned this in one of my previous blogs - just consider this a "senior moment" of repeating myself. That's one idea I have. I still have the B & B in the back of my mind. Another new notion I've been considering is moving to Spain and staring something - or work for someone. I loved Spain when we visited there while we were abroad. It's so relaxed, family-oriented, WARM! Fresh fruits and vegetables, great wine...I don't know - I have to have a Spanish tutor,so, there's that!
Anyway, better get back to homework. I have to peer edit poetry from my classmates in Creating Writing. We have a short story due in two weeks. That is completely out of my element. I love to write poetry and I love to write term papers - this will be tough...creative non-fiction may be even more challenging! Anyway, I'm continuing to train for the triathlon, the swimming is coming along, I'll get my bike on the road this weekend for the first time this year, and the running is coming along, too. I need to make a major change in my diet - almost vegan - because of some inflammation issues - but that discussion is for another blog!!!! Enjoy the dishes!!!!!
My Creative Writing class is awesome! I'm learning so much, and my writing is starting to show it. Spanish I...I'll have a tutor the rest of the semester I guess.Why are so many things so hard for me to grasp????? I plan to take Spanish II next semester, so I hope it starts clicking! Art Culinaire Class - LOVE IT! It's a new class for our school. There are 14 of us in class and we are doing awesome dishes! it's a class like no other I've taken so far. Each week we prepare a six or seven course meal (each group of 2 prepares one course). We take a break and watch as each team plates up so we can learn new techniques. If someone is caught up, they help the others or start the never-ending sink of dishes. If we start plating at say 2:30p, then the next course needs to be ready 10 minutes later, then the next 15 minutes and so on to teach us pacing and plating on time. I wanted to share the dishes with you. I try EVERYTHING! The foie gras, the clams, the eel, pork cheek, everything! If I'm going to have to cook it some day, I need to know what it tastes like. But, everything tastes amazing. it was funny - this past week, when the ice cream dish was done, everyone RAN down to the last table to try it - most of our class is guys! I was doing dishes (I usually do - rather than then scrub the floors!) and got my butt over to the table. My partner and I usually share each dish. I was nice and let her have more of the ice cream...I grabbed one that was melted and drank it. One of the guys grabbed the left over ice cream that was in the bowl and did the same thing! It was the most awesome vanilla ice cream I've ever tasted. There are SMILES all over the room during class! We all consider ourselves very fortunate to be in the class - our instructor is so cool - and so talented! For our final, we'll start at 11:30a, preparing to serve 45 or so guests who will be attending a fundraiser for the school. We'll probably not get out until 10:30 that night. Just like a real restaurant. OMG - the Duck, Duck, Goose dish (picture below) - we were devouring it. So, the first week, I'm making the rice tapioca and it did not set up. I told chef, and he said, then what can we do? Something has to "go out". He suggested serving it in Cosmo glasses, and top it with the mango! You never would have known it had failed. The mango I had was so unripe it wasn't even funny. He suggested we make a simple syrup and poach it just a bit to incorporate some sweetness, as well as soften it up. For another of our dishes (the one with the lotus chips), we couldn't get the oblong white plates that I wanted to serve the appetizers on - we ended up using WAY TOO BIG plates. Plus they were green - didn't have a lot of color or shapes to play with. My partner suggested we pickle some cucumber slices in red wine vinegar for a bit. That was what it needed. Now, I have to start coming up with "fixes" instead of just asking what can we do? It's totally thinking outside the box.
Oh, I might get the opportunity to intern on a food truck this next semester! You know those trucks that drive around town and park somewhere and text you and let you know where they'll be that day? Very popular on the west coast. Anyway, that's one of the ideas I've got floating around in my head. So, before I write a business plan, I'd like to be able to try it out and see if it indeed is something I want to do. Something tells me that I mentioned this in one of my previous blogs - just consider this a "senior moment" of repeating myself. That's one idea I have. I still have the B & B in the back of my mind. Another new notion I've been considering is moving to Spain and staring something - or work for someone. I loved Spain when we visited there while we were abroad. It's so relaxed, family-oriented, WARM! Fresh fruits and vegetables, great wine...I don't know - I have to have a Spanish tutor,so, there's that!
Anyway, better get back to homework. I have to peer edit poetry from my classmates in Creating Writing. We have a short story due in two weeks. That is completely out of my element. I love to write poetry and I love to write term papers - this will be tough...creative non-fiction may be even more challenging! Anyway, I'm continuing to train for the triathlon, the swimming is coming along, I'll get my bike on the road this weekend for the first time this year, and the running is coming along, too. I need to make a major change in my diet - almost vegan - because of some inflammation issues - but that discussion is for another blog!!!! Enjoy the dishes!!!!!
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Sake and Soy Braised Daikon, Radish, Roasted Tokyo Leek, Fried Shallot, and Maderia-Miso Sauce |
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Soft Shell Crab, Garam Masala Hollandaise, Tomato Concasse, Pickled Shallots and Cucumber Gelee |
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Baby Greens, English Cucumber, Passion Fruit, Asparagus and Dill Oil |
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Fried Lotus Chips, Bluefin Tuna, Alaskan halibut, Edamame, Chive Blossoms, Avocado Crema, Mustard Su-Miso, Micro Green and Red Shiso |
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Wild Mushroom, Asparagus, and Maryland Crab Soup |
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Tuna???? and Red Caviar - it was yummy! |
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Poached Shrimp, Rice-Stick Noodles, Fresh Mangoes, Rice Paper with Sweet Lime Nam Pla |
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Slow Braised Pork Belly, Baby Bok Choy, Ginger-Daiginjyo, Sake Sauce and Chinese Long Bean Rope |
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Fresh Corn, Jicama, Asian Pear, English Cucumber, and Avocado Puree |
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Assorted Fruit with Plum Wine Sauce and Vanilla Ice Cream |
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Thai Coconut Tapioca Pudding with Cayenne-Spiced Mango and Mint |
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
A New Semester
I just saw my last post was in March. Since then I finished up the semester from hell! Believe it or not, I got all A's - couldn't believe it! Four A's. Some barely....but A's all the same - a 4.0.
I went to Florida for a week to visit my friend Connie. It was such a wonderful, restful...restful week. Even the fact that Lakeland had RECORD COLD TEMPERATURES didn't spoil anything. I got there on Saturday - the temperature was 81. When I left Michigan in the morning,the temp. was 26! It was nice going on a trip - the first one on my own - that was not so fun. Going down to Florida the middle seat was empty so that was nice. Coming back home there were three of us across. I had the middle seat - yuck! I sat down and the guy beside me reeked of cigarette smoke. I pulled out my People magazine. He said, "I hope someone gave you that magazine." I said why. He said "because I'd never spend my hard earned money on trash like that." I said I just finished a hard semester at school and I'm looking forward to trash. Jeez!
Anyway, Sunday I got into their community pool and the weather was cool, but not miserable. Then came Monday! Brrrr! It was cold and extremely windy Monday through Wednesday evening. We went to a Tigers/Phillies game on Wednesday in long pants, scarves, gloves and hats! The temperature in Lakeland was only 10 degrees warmer than both Philly and Detroit! Everyone laughed when it was announced! The Tigers lost 4-1 but I got to see Verlander pitch. I love the Tigers! I want to go to as many games this season as I can.
Thursday it started to warm up. I got into the pool and actually got a little sun! I tried to do as many laps as I could. Still struggling with the swimming - hope it starts to "click" soon! Connie took me to visit some of her dear friends. We went to her church on Sunday, we had lots of good dinners out, but we had a few good relaxing meals in! Just so relaxed - I can't thank her enough for a wonderful break that I so needed.
I just started back to the gym - I need to keep going consistently or I'll never be ready for this triathlon at the end of May. It's a Sprint, but still I'm no wheres near ready!
So, I started my new semester this week. Our Art Culinaire class is going to be a huge challenge. Our chef is not treating us like students. We will be line cooks in his restaurant. This is a new class and we have a lot to prove. In this class, we will be creating fine dining cuisine. Each week we'll create an 8-course meal. My partner Jordan and I are the only girl team. We have one other girl in the class. Next week she and I are responsible for the Amuse Bouche and the Sweets. The courses are Amuse Bouche - a one bite appetizer, Cold Appetizer, Hot Appetizer, Main Course I, Main Course II, Soup, Salad, and Sweets. Our Amuse Bouche is Mango Shrimp Fresh Rolls, which is poached shrimp, rice-stick noodles, fresh mangos, all wrapped in rice paper, accompanied with a sweet lime nam pla. Our sweet is Thai Coconut Tapioca Pudding with a cayenne-spiced mango. This will be the most challenging class to date for me.
I also had my first Creating Writing class, which is going to be a lot of fun and very interesting. Then - my Spanish I class....well, after two hours, I must have had a look of total terror on my face because the teacher came to me and suggested he tutor me. Man - how embarrassing! I just feel so stupid! The same thing happened last semester with Math. I ended up talking to both boys that night for some reason and collapsed in tears. I told them I just feel so stupid. Jason said I do this every semester, but I end up with A's. He said I just have to give it some time and realize it's going to be hard at first. Both boys were so reassuring. I guess it didn't help that the class is from 6-10 pm. That's past my bedtime! LOL!
It's starting to turn to Spring - but taking its good old time. I'm supposed to go running Sunday with a group. Pretty soon the outdoor bike club will start up. I still want to look for a job....but....I'd like to maybe wait one more semester. I'd like to concentrate on school and this triathlon training. My confidence level is decreasing instead of increasing. I've got to get my mind wrapped around the good things in my life and not concentrate on the past. I so wish I could meet someone...I miss that part of my life. I'm still recovering, though, from Dan and Ramzi. That's harder than anything right now.
Well, that's about it for now. Just doing homework.
I went to Florida for a week to visit my friend Connie. It was such a wonderful, restful...restful week. Even the fact that Lakeland had RECORD COLD TEMPERATURES didn't spoil anything. I got there on Saturday - the temperature was 81. When I left Michigan in the morning,the temp. was 26! It was nice going on a trip - the first one on my own - that was not so fun. Going down to Florida the middle seat was empty so that was nice. Coming back home there were three of us across. I had the middle seat - yuck! I sat down and the guy beside me reeked of cigarette smoke. I pulled out my People magazine. He said, "I hope someone gave you that magazine." I said why. He said "because I'd never spend my hard earned money on trash like that." I said I just finished a hard semester at school and I'm looking forward to trash. Jeez!
Anyway, Sunday I got into their community pool and the weather was cool, but not miserable. Then came Monday! Brrrr! It was cold and extremely windy Monday through Wednesday evening. We went to a Tigers/Phillies game on Wednesday in long pants, scarves, gloves and hats! The temperature in Lakeland was only 10 degrees warmer than both Philly and Detroit! Everyone laughed when it was announced! The Tigers lost 4-1 but I got to see Verlander pitch. I love the Tigers! I want to go to as many games this season as I can.
Thursday it started to warm up. I got into the pool and actually got a little sun! I tried to do as many laps as I could. Still struggling with the swimming - hope it starts to "click" soon! Connie took me to visit some of her dear friends. We went to her church on Sunday, we had lots of good dinners out, but we had a few good relaxing meals in! Just so relaxed - I can't thank her enough for a wonderful break that I so needed.
I just started back to the gym - I need to keep going consistently or I'll never be ready for this triathlon at the end of May. It's a Sprint, but still I'm no wheres near ready!
So, I started my new semester this week. Our Art Culinaire class is going to be a huge challenge. Our chef is not treating us like students. We will be line cooks in his restaurant. This is a new class and we have a lot to prove. In this class, we will be creating fine dining cuisine. Each week we'll create an 8-course meal. My partner Jordan and I are the only girl team. We have one other girl in the class. Next week she and I are responsible for the Amuse Bouche and the Sweets. The courses are Amuse Bouche - a one bite appetizer, Cold Appetizer, Hot Appetizer, Main Course I, Main Course II, Soup, Salad, and Sweets. Our Amuse Bouche is Mango Shrimp Fresh Rolls, which is poached shrimp, rice-stick noodles, fresh mangos, all wrapped in rice paper, accompanied with a sweet lime nam pla. Our sweet is Thai Coconut Tapioca Pudding with a cayenne-spiced mango. This will be the most challenging class to date for me.
I also had my first Creating Writing class, which is going to be a lot of fun and very interesting. Then - my Spanish I class....well, after two hours, I must have had a look of total terror on my face because the teacher came to me and suggested he tutor me. Man - how embarrassing! I just feel so stupid! The same thing happened last semester with Math. I ended up talking to both boys that night for some reason and collapsed in tears. I told them I just feel so stupid. Jason said I do this every semester, but I end up with A's. He said I just have to give it some time and realize it's going to be hard at first. Both boys were so reassuring. I guess it didn't help that the class is from 6-10 pm. That's past my bedtime! LOL!
It's starting to turn to Spring - but taking its good old time. I'm supposed to go running Sunday with a group. Pretty soon the outdoor bike club will start up. I still want to look for a job....but....I'd like to maybe wait one more semester. I'd like to concentrate on school and this triathlon training. My confidence level is decreasing instead of increasing. I've got to get my mind wrapped around the good things in my life and not concentrate on the past. I so wish I could meet someone...I miss that part of my life. I'm still recovering, though, from Dan and Ramzi. That's harder than anything right now.
Well, that's about it for now. Just doing homework.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Two Years Ago...
Two years ago my marriage was "unofficially" over. Dan knew it...took me a while to catch on. I can't believe it's only been two years...seems like a lifetime. So many unanswered questions, regrets, wishes, hopes...just give us another try, please. You owe me that...I don't owe you anything.
It's hard not to dwell on it. It's hard not to think about it. It is the elephant in the room every morning when I wake up.
Someday it won't hurt...as much.
It's hard not to dwell on it. It's hard not to think about it. It is the elephant in the room every morning when I wake up.
Someday it won't hurt...as much.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Three More Weeks
That's how long I have until this semester from Hell is over. Here's what I'm doing to survive the next three weeks:
I've already made arrangements for next semester to go from four classes to three. I need a break.
I've decided to not spend a majority of my day trying to figure out Math when it's never going to happen.
I've got two of the four end of semester projects done. The other two are with teams, so I hope we can get together and get it done. Both need a paper and a PowerPoint.
I am still working on the triathlon. In fact, this past Saturday I made it 25 meters without stopping! Now, considering I need to do something like 100 times that for the race, I've got my work cut out for me.
I decided I really do need to eat better because I'm constantly tired because I either sleep too much or not enough and have no energy when I'm at the gym. So, I'm seeing a nutritionist to help get me on the right track. Imagine a culinary student not knowing how to eat correctly! This will also help me with my culinary skills. I just hate cooking for just me, but I have to do it.
My bike has gone to the shop for a tune-up and will be road and race ready! I've joined a bike club through the gym and am so excited about it! That's the one goal I had for this year - before the triathlon - to join a bike club and get out to meet people. Plus I want to become a more efficient cyclist.
I want to get an internship the semester after next. That's what I'm working on now as far as employment. I'm still employed, but taking a break from it for now.
A friend of mine from the gym gave me some good advise. She said be in the moment. When you're at the gym, be at the gym, not thinking about all the other stuff you have to do. When you're doing homework, do homework and not feel guilty that you're not at the gym. The other good piece of advise came from my counselor. She said I should spend a few times a day just meditating. Taking the time for me - no TV, no computer, just relax and heal.
So, coming up I have two projects to finish, four finals to study for, one of which is a cooking final. BUT, I've finished two projects and started on the other two. I've got a schedule going so I know what needs to get done when. That's all I can do.
Here's some photos from our Classical European Class
I've already made arrangements for next semester to go from four classes to three. I need a break.
I've decided to not spend a majority of my day trying to figure out Math when it's never going to happen.
I've got two of the four end of semester projects done. The other two are with teams, so I hope we can get together and get it done. Both need a paper and a PowerPoint.
I am still working on the triathlon. In fact, this past Saturday I made it 25 meters without stopping! Now, considering I need to do something like 100 times that for the race, I've got my work cut out for me.
I decided I really do need to eat better because I'm constantly tired because I either sleep too much or not enough and have no energy when I'm at the gym. So, I'm seeing a nutritionist to help get me on the right track. Imagine a culinary student not knowing how to eat correctly! This will also help me with my culinary skills. I just hate cooking for just me, but I have to do it.
My bike has gone to the shop for a tune-up and will be road and race ready! I've joined a bike club through the gym and am so excited about it! That's the one goal I had for this year - before the triathlon - to join a bike club and get out to meet people. Plus I want to become a more efficient cyclist.
I want to get an internship the semester after next. That's what I'm working on now as far as employment. I'm still employed, but taking a break from it for now.
A friend of mine from the gym gave me some good advise. She said be in the moment. When you're at the gym, be at the gym, not thinking about all the other stuff you have to do. When you're doing homework, do homework and not feel guilty that you're not at the gym. The other good piece of advise came from my counselor. She said I should spend a few times a day just meditating. Taking the time for me - no TV, no computer, just relax and heal.
So, coming up I have two projects to finish, four finals to study for, one of which is a cooking final. BUT, I've finished two projects and started on the other two. I've got a schedule going so I know what needs to get done when. That's all I can do.
Here's some photos from our Classical European Class
Perfectly made Consomme with Inconsistently Brunoised Vegetable Garnish!
I made this dish
An ordinary salad with extraordinary dressing
Oysters on the Half Shell - so good!
Braised Leek Soup - I made this.
Peas and Tomatoes - lovely presentation and tasty
Creme Brulee
Chicken, Potatoes and the traditional French egg
Monday, February 18, 2013
Monday, Monday
You know, it's weird, I never plant to write on my blog - it just happens. Maybe I subconsciously know I need to!
HELP!! I'm just struggling so much at this point - probably more than any other time in my life. Yesterday was my birthday...the first I spent totally alone. I could have gone out and done something, but I'm so far behind on school work...I got lots of nice greetings from my Facebook friends and I talked to Chris and my friend Cathy. Jason I think is out of town so he'll probably call me when he gets back...
I'm struggling in Math, I'm struggling with this swimming thing, (still can't get the breathing down) and I'm struggling being on my own. I know I don't have time right now to have someone in my life, but it still hurts. Going through Valentine's Day and my birthday alone - that sucked.
I just want to get through this semester - tooooo much homework and studying. Now I have four projects and four finals hanging over my head. I really have never been this behind in anything in my life.
BUT, I'm looking ahead - not behind. I know I'll get through all of this - I know it's not the end of the world - I know that all of this will make me a stronger person.
One thing I did to today - I cleaned my apartment! I'm sooo serious, it hasn't been cleaned since Christmas, I think. You know, done the quick swiffer and a quick swish of the toilet brush, but....it was time. I said screw the homework,this needs done! So, I put on my I-pod, listened to some new stuff I've downloaded, and felt so much better with everything clean!
I've not done very well in my culinary class the past two weeks. I need a job in a kitchen. I need to have a knife in my hand more than one day a week. But this is so not the time to look for another job. I can not take on one more thing right now.
I love my new ride! I'm finally getting the automatic start and the roof rack installed on Friday. I'm also taking my bike into the bike shop to be sure it's race ready!
God, give me the strength to get through this.
HELP!! I'm just struggling so much at this point - probably more than any other time in my life. Yesterday was my birthday...the first I spent totally alone. I could have gone out and done something, but I'm so far behind on school work...I got lots of nice greetings from my Facebook friends and I talked to Chris and my friend Cathy. Jason I think is out of town so he'll probably call me when he gets back...
I'm struggling in Math, I'm struggling with this swimming thing, (still can't get the breathing down) and I'm struggling being on my own. I know I don't have time right now to have someone in my life, but it still hurts. Going through Valentine's Day and my birthday alone - that sucked.
I just want to get through this semester - tooooo much homework and studying. Now I have four projects and four finals hanging over my head. I really have never been this behind in anything in my life.
BUT, I'm looking ahead - not behind. I know I'll get through all of this - I know it's not the end of the world - I know that all of this will make me a stronger person.
One thing I did to today - I cleaned my apartment! I'm sooo serious, it hasn't been cleaned since Christmas, I think. You know, done the quick swiffer and a quick swish of the toilet brush, but....it was time. I said screw the homework,this needs done! So, I put on my I-pod, listened to some new stuff I've downloaded, and felt so much better with everything clean!
I've not done very well in my culinary class the past two weeks. I need a job in a kitchen. I need to have a knife in my hand more than one day a week. But this is so not the time to look for another job. I can not take on one more thing right now.
I love my new ride! I'm finally getting the automatic start and the roof rack installed on Friday. I'm also taking my bike into the bike shop to be sure it's race ready!
God, give me the strength to get through this.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
It's been so rainy the past few days - not sure if I'm ready for winter to end quite yet...
Well, I ended up getting a new vehicle, which I'm so glad Jason was there to help me. We actually had a pretty good time and got a chance to catch up on some movies in the theater right now. It was a really nice weekend. I got a Honda CR-V, which I'm so happy about! It will be nice to get a hitch on it for my bikes and I'll be able to carry my kayak on the roof. The seats go down so I can take bins to and from the storage unit, plus it will be nice if I start my business right away.
Here are some photos from class - Classical European Cuisine. I'll have to wait until I can get my vehicle cleaned up before I post a photo! The last photo was my Math project from last semester. We had to make a colorful display and three Math problems that related to our field of study. Mine was the only one chosen to be displayed! I felt like I was in 3rd grade! LOL!
Swimming...hmmm...it's harder than I ever thought. I just wish I could get the rythmn of the breathing down and it would be so much easier. Practice, practice, practice! I'm running and increasing my milage, and biking outdoors can't be too far behind. We did this bike event at the gym on Saturday. We rode indoors and watched the Avengers! It was fun, actually, and we rode for 2 hours. I was trying to stay in my Zone 2 to build up my base.
School...classes are hard this semester, so that's a challenge. I think I'm going to drop down to three classes next semester because we only have a week off in between. I'm heading to Florida to see Connie and I'm so excited. I'll be able to continue my training while I'm there.
Work...haven't worked much since before Christmas and it's been a nice break. Still waiting to get into one of the kitchens...I think I'm going to have to start looking for another job - not that I want to - but if something doesn't turn up soon, I'm going to have to.
Well, I ended up getting a new vehicle, which I'm so glad Jason was there to help me. We actually had a pretty good time and got a chance to catch up on some movies in the theater right now. It was a really nice weekend. I got a Honda CR-V, which I'm so happy about! It will be nice to get a hitch on it for my bikes and I'll be able to carry my kayak on the roof. The seats go down so I can take bins to and from the storage unit, plus it will be nice if I start my business right away.
Here are some photos from class - Classical European Cuisine. I'll have to wait until I can get my vehicle cleaned up before I post a photo! The last photo was my Math project from last semester. We had to make a colorful display and three Math problems that related to our field of study. Mine was the only one chosen to be displayed! I felt like I was in 3rd grade! LOL!
Swimming...hmmm...it's harder than I ever thought. I just wish I could get the rythmn of the breathing down and it would be so much easier. Practice, practice, practice! I'm running and increasing my milage, and biking outdoors can't be too far behind. We did this bike event at the gym on Saturday. We rode indoors and watched the Avengers! It was fun, actually, and we rode for 2 hours. I was trying to stay in my Zone 2 to build up my base.
School...classes are hard this semester, so that's a challenge. I think I'm going to drop down to three classes next semester because we only have a week off in between. I'm heading to Florida to see Connie and I'm so excited. I'll be able to continue my training while I'm there.
Work...haven't worked much since before Christmas and it's been a nice break. Still waiting to get into one of the kitchens...I think I'm going to have to start looking for another job - not that I want to - but if something doesn't turn up soon, I'm going to have to.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
What a Day...
It's surprising - and disappointing - how quickly I become overwhelmed. All of a sudden...plus my thoughts have been concentrated on memories of Dan and I. Growing up, high school, getting married, the boys - from babies to young men. I don't know why.
Math is killing me. I just can't get it. Or, I get the concept - then go back an hour later and I've lost it. Two other classes are requiring a TON of reading and memorization. My cooking class is pretty manageable so far.
I'm going to be starting in one of the kitchens at work on Friday. I'm very nervous about that but I need the experience. What if I can't do it? What if I'm awful?
I found out today that my car was totaled, so I need to buy a car pretty quickly. NOT something I have time for. At least I know I want another Honda. I love the car, the dealership, the service staff...Jason is going to come over on Saturday and go with me.
This triathlon...the swimming has got me bummed. I've not been to the gym since Sunday...as much as I want to do this - I'm not sure I have the time to devote 5-6 days at the gym. I don't want to give up...
I still have the bins of Christmas decorations in my spare room - having to NOT want to pile them into the small rental car...
I'm trying to get my system back to somewhat normal. My body has been under a lot of stress and it's starting to effect me - my health, my sleep...
I know next week at this time I'll probably feel better...I just don't want to feel this way now. WAAAAH!
Math is killing me. I just can't get it. Or, I get the concept - then go back an hour later and I've lost it. Two other classes are requiring a TON of reading and memorization. My cooking class is pretty manageable so far.
I'm going to be starting in one of the kitchens at work on Friday. I'm very nervous about that but I need the experience. What if I can't do it? What if I'm awful?
I found out today that my car was totaled, so I need to buy a car pretty quickly. NOT something I have time for. At least I know I want another Honda. I love the car, the dealership, the service staff...Jason is going to come over on Saturday and go with me.
This triathlon...the swimming has got me bummed. I've not been to the gym since Sunday...as much as I want to do this - I'm not sure I have the time to devote 5-6 days at the gym. I don't want to give up...
I still have the bins of Christmas decorations in my spare room - having to NOT want to pile them into the small rental car...
I'm trying to get my system back to somewhat normal. My body has been under a lot of stress and it's starting to effect me - my health, my sleep...
I know next week at this time I'll probably feel better...I just don't want to feel this way now. WAAAAH!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Learning to Swim...
It's the 13th of January...the day Edie learned that you do not hold your breath when swimming! I never learned how to swim! I'm taking lessons...thank goodness! Today was the 1st official day our Beginner Triathlon Training meeting. We had swimming technique evaluations where while we swam we were videotaped and critiqued. HOW EMBARRASSING! I hope now that I know you don't hold your breath, maybe I will be a little bit better. Jeezz... We're going through a pretty intense (for me, anyway) 26 week training session to be ready for a Sprint or Olympic race. After today, I think I'll go for the Sprint version! I would love to - if nothing else - swim a length of the pool! They say it won't be long before I'm swimming 40 lengths!
School has started - four classes - one cooking class - two that are going to have lots of tests, quizzes, and memorization...and Math! It's just pre-Algebra, but I've never studied Math other than business math - AKA 'bookkeeping" before. I am struggling, I think, because I'm really struggling with memorizing. I asked my math professor if he'd be able to tutor me for a while. One nice thing about our school is that tutoring sessions are free! I feel better now. So, I'm going to be turning 54 and I'm just now learning how to do Algebra and swim. Wow. I guess it's never too late!
Emotionally, I'm doing better. For one thing, I felt very confident in our cooking class this past week. I heard from one of our chefs - he's asked me to help out in the kitchen for two upcoming events. I'm so excited! I feel I'll really improve my skills from being in a real world kitchen.
Well, time to do homework - two quizzes to study for.
School has started - four classes - one cooking class - two that are going to have lots of tests, quizzes, and memorization...and Math! It's just pre-Algebra, but I've never studied Math other than business math - AKA 'bookkeeping" before. I am struggling, I think, because I'm really struggling with memorizing. I asked my math professor if he'd be able to tutor me for a while. One nice thing about our school is that tutoring sessions are free! I feel better now. So, I'm going to be turning 54 and I'm just now learning how to do Algebra and swim. Wow. I guess it's never too late!
Emotionally, I'm doing better. For one thing, I felt very confident in our cooking class this past week. I heard from one of our chefs - he's asked me to help out in the kitchen for two upcoming events. I'm so excited! I feel I'll really improve my skills from being in a real world kitchen.
Well, time to do homework - two quizzes to study for.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
January 3, 2013!
Wow! A lot has happened since my last post. Thank you to everyone whose following it - I really appreciate your kind words!
Well, first off - I had a wonderful holiday with my boys and daughter-in-law. We spent the time before Christmas and Christmas day together. Then Jason and Brittany went back to work and Chris traveled on to his Dad's. They all spent some time together before and after New Years. Chris then went back to Indiana and work.
The time off school (and work for the most part) has been awesome. I so needed it. I'm back to the gym and....training for a Triathlon! I'll be training for the full, but if I can't, I'll do the sprint version. I have to learn how to swim! Can you believe it - I never learned how to swim! I hope I'm not in lessons with little kids! LOL! Anyway, I'm excited about the possibility of that accomplishment.
I went back to Pennsylvania for a few days and spent time with family. It was nice. I started back to Michigan on New Year's Eve morning...and got into an accident on the PA turnpike. My car had to be towed, I had to get a rental car, then drive another five hours, right after being in an accident. I was physically and emotionally drained by the time I got back to my apartment. I had to unload an entire car full of stuff that I brought back from my Dad's (first from my car to the rental car, then the rental car to my apartment.) I didn't care - I stopped at McDonald's before coming home! I was supposed to run a 5k on New Year's Day - but I did not have the energy. I slept like 12 hours. I figure God wanted to give me one more hurdle before 2012 was over!
I'm looking forward to classes starting next week. I am hopeful my car is not totaled and can be fixed. I found out yesterday that if it is fixable, they will tow it to Michigan and have it repaired at my dealership! Thank God! I thought I'd have to drive five hours both ways to pick it up. So, that's a good thing.
2013 is going to be a good year. I'll be working out and getting into shape, I'll hopefully accomplish something I never thought I'd even attempt, I'll meet new people and have opportunities to bike and run with a group. I'll learn how to swim! I hope to get into one of our kitchens within the restaurant group and get some practical experience. My boys are doing well, and so is my family. I've got so many wonderful friends who pull me through. I've got some very good people who I get to talk things through with. It's all good. I'm hoping and praying to see more of those kinds of things this year and less of the hard times. That's my plan, anyway.
Well, first off - I had a wonderful holiday with my boys and daughter-in-law. We spent the time before Christmas and Christmas day together. Then Jason and Brittany went back to work and Chris traveled on to his Dad's. They all spent some time together before and after New Years. Chris then went back to Indiana and work.
The time off school (and work for the most part) has been awesome. I so needed it. I'm back to the gym and....training for a Triathlon! I'll be training for the full, but if I can't, I'll do the sprint version. I have to learn how to swim! Can you believe it - I never learned how to swim! I hope I'm not in lessons with little kids! LOL! Anyway, I'm excited about the possibility of that accomplishment.
I went back to Pennsylvania for a few days and spent time with family. It was nice. I started back to Michigan on New Year's Eve morning...and got into an accident on the PA turnpike. My car had to be towed, I had to get a rental car, then drive another five hours, right after being in an accident. I was physically and emotionally drained by the time I got back to my apartment. I had to unload an entire car full of stuff that I brought back from my Dad's (first from my car to the rental car, then the rental car to my apartment.) I didn't care - I stopped at McDonald's before coming home! I was supposed to run a 5k on New Year's Day - but I did not have the energy. I slept like 12 hours. I figure God wanted to give me one more hurdle before 2012 was over!
I'm looking forward to classes starting next week. I am hopeful my car is not totaled and can be fixed. I found out yesterday that if it is fixable, they will tow it to Michigan and have it repaired at my dealership! Thank God! I thought I'd have to drive five hours both ways to pick it up. So, that's a good thing.
2013 is going to be a good year. I'll be working out and getting into shape, I'll hopefully accomplish something I never thought I'd even attempt, I'll meet new people and have opportunities to bike and run with a group. I'll learn how to swim! I hope to get into one of our kitchens within the restaurant group and get some practical experience. My boys are doing well, and so is my family. I've got so many wonderful friends who pull me through. I've got some very good people who I get to talk things through with. It's all good. I'm hoping and praying to see more of those kinds of things this year and less of the hard times. That's my plan, anyway.
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