It's been so rainy the past few days - not sure if I'm ready for winter to end quite yet...
Well, I ended up getting a new vehicle, which I'm so glad Jason was there to help me. We actually had a pretty good time and got a chance to catch up on some movies in the theater right now. It was a really nice weekend. I got a Honda CR-V, which I'm so happy about! It will be nice to get a hitch on it for my bikes and I'll be able to carry my kayak on the roof. The seats go down so I can take bins to and from the storage unit, plus it will be nice if I start my business right away.
Here are some photos from class - Classical European Cuisine. I'll have to wait until I can get my vehicle cleaned up before I post a photo! The last photo was my Math project from last semester. We had to make a colorful display and three Math problems that related to our field of study. Mine was the only one chosen to be displayed! I felt like I was in 3rd grade! LOL!'s harder than I ever thought. I just wish I could get the rythmn of the breathing down and it would be so much easier. Practice, practice, practice! I'm running and increasing my milage, and biking outdoors can't be too far behind. We did this bike event at the gym on Saturday. We rode indoors and watched the Avengers! It was fun, actually, and we rode for 2 hours. I was trying to stay in my Zone 2 to build up my base.
School...classes are hard this semester, so that's a challenge. I think I'm going to drop down to three classes next semester because we only have a week off in between. I'm heading to Florida to see Connie and I'm so excited. I'll be able to continue my training while I'm there.
Work...haven't worked much since before Christmas and it's been a nice break. Still waiting to get into one of the kitchens...I think I'm going to have to start looking for another job - not that I want to - but if something doesn't turn up soon, I'm going to have to.
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