- What they didn't have in their marriage - a much younger chick
- They don't want to put up with anything - if there's something not perfect, they are gone. For me, that was my decision not to get a tan or a manicure for him. How can I work in a restaurant with red gel nails?
- They aren't interested in a long term thing - they have it too good right now!
- Sex, as soon as they can get it
My job is very demanding, no lie. I keep with up with what I need to do, and it's exactly what I've wanted and needed, but it's HARD! I feel like I've been hit by a truck every morning when I get up after 10 hours at work the day before. I'm working three days a week, then school, and homework, and I want to get back to the gym regularly. I really don't have time for guys, but, I can't say I don't miss a relationship. I guess I always will.
I had a dream last night. It was so silly! Something was happening to the planet, and only a few people who had these contraptions could escape, and only 17 people could fit into one. Dan and I were in a group, and there were 18 of us. Dan said he'd go on that one and not stay with me. I even asked him if I could get his jacket for him before he left. It felt so real. He made that decision without giving me a thought. It hurt, my heart hurt when I woke up.
Work, I'm learning so much! My knife skills after 6 days are so much better, I can't believe it. I had blisters on my left index finger from using my knife so much. Yesterday the exec. chef asked me to come over and watch how they fabricated a certain fish that's a huge seller on their menu. Then he had me do one. That's what I love! Learning new things, new ways of doing things, there are 10,000 ways to do everything, but learning their way is what's important. I'm learning that if we're doing roasted potatoes for a plated wedding of 220, you need do process about 60 pounds. I'm learning that and, 10,000 other facts. I can't even remember all that I've done. They do a lot of sous vide and I'm so interested in that. That's cooking in a constant temperature in water. The product is vacuum sealed, and goes for hours and is perfectly done every time. They do a lot of charcutiere, and I want to get as much experience with that as possible. They are constantly smoking something, and I want that experience. I want to learn it all. Every time someone is making something - either on the restaurant side or on my side - banquets - I ask to taste it so I know what it should taste like if I need to make it.
Two nights ago, we were caught up, so I spent almost 4 hours cleaning out hot boxes. You know, those metal boxes that are electric, or some are just heated with sterno, that you transport the food from the kitchen down the hall to the event, or, when we're plating up for a wedding, we put the dinners in there, then when it's time for the servers to serve, we take them out, take the plastic plate covers off, sauce them, and they are hot! I'm learning to be quicker with putting potatoes on a plate and sliding it down to the next person putting something else on the plate and so on. I'm learning to grab exactly 7 string beans and placing them nicely on a plate in a split second or someone will come over and take over for me because I'm not quick enough. Picking up steaming plates from a hot box and touching them - again and again and again, until soon I won't even feel the pain anymore. Chopping up 60#s of this or breading and searing off 220 chicken breasts or chopping tons of parsley into an almost dust consistency. Making a marchand (sp) sauce from 50# of scrap meat, tons of shallots, leeks, garlic, etc., and that's probably enough for two events!
I'm trying to get my homework done for this last week of school, which is a lot because it's two online classes that have been condensed into 5 1/2 weeks. I've had to write eight papers a week between the two classes for the last 5 weeks, now I have 4 papers and two finals to complete in the next week, Back to it.
This job is great for losing weight - I'm constantly moving and on my feet, and not time to eat! That's why I'm getting a better work, school, and gym schedule worked out so my eating and working out are more balanced in my life. I have lost about 14 pounds since last summer, and want to lose 8 more and I'll be back to where I was 2 years ago. I can't wait to "shop" my closet on break next week!
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