Today is Thursday, and it's a good day. I've had so many friends write, text, and e-mail me lately. I am truly blessed. I know that. We had to write 4 poems as part of our mid-term in English II. I decided it was a good time to purge. It felt so good.
Lots of positives this week. School is going really well. Mid-term grades came out - all A's. I made a Chayote salad and Empanadas this week in Latin Cuisine. We are studying South American cuisine. I'm understanding my Math I class. Now, remember, I've not been in high school for many, many years. It's funny - we'll be sitting in class and I'll suddenly remember studying it - actually - in grade school. This class went back to the very basics - adding and subtracting...we flew through that part of the book. It was a good reminder, though! LOL! Anyway, we have a test on Monday evening and I feel really ready. My Computers for Culinary class is - well - I thought it was going to be boring. I can't believe all the shortcuts and applications in Microsoft Office I did not know! I'm just used to doing something one way when there are actually four ways to do it - all quicker than the way I've always done it. I'm really enjoying it. We had an assignment to plate a dish. We had to list all the items in the dish in a table to practice doing tables in Word, then we had to either draw by hand with the "pencil" tool or use Word objects. Believe it or not, I used the pencil tool (I'm a TERRIBLE artist) and made asparagus, stuffed chicken breast, Potatoes Dauphine, and bread pudding - with raisins!
I started back to the gym FINALLY! The trainer I had when I first moved here has been so wonderful about keeping in touch with me and encouraging me to start back. So, I have a schedule worked out. It revolves around school - depending on my work schedule - I will still be able to work it out to be at the gym several times a week. I do feel so much better emotionally when I work out - I know that - it's just hard to get started. I want to try running again. Not pushing myself like I did last year and injurying myself. I want to just be ready to do some 5k races in the spring.
I'm going to start working in the kitchen at work - some real life experience! I'm so excited about that!!!
The other stuff - the negative stuff - it's always going to come up - I can't dwell on it. It just brings me down.
Here's some photos from this week in Latin. As you can see, all but one of the Empanadas is gone!
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