Well, it's the end of another semester. I got all A's, which I'm very happy about because one of the classes was Chemistry. I can't believe that next quarter - in July - is the quarter when I started three years ago. I have three more semesters, then I'm done with school.
Next semester is going to be the hardest I've ever taken...keep tuned!! I'll let you know how it goes!!
Yep, I broke it off with Keith. There were things...things I was putting up with because no one is perfect, and we seemed to get along so well. But, a major sticking point with me - and it seemed to be increasing - was his drinking. Long story short, he said he had listened to his ex gripe about his drinking for 33 years and he wasn't going to listen to it from me. So, I did the adult thing and ended it. I don't like being alone, and I guess I was willing to put up with stuff...
So, I quit my job so I'd have more time for homework, working out, and Keith. I've decided not to jump back on the merry-go-round and continue to not work, watch my spending, and enjoy the last few semesters of school. I'm golfing (huh! if that's what I call it!) and cycling. I decided to quit my gym membership to save some money. I want to be running by fall and winter, so that's what I'll do then. It's just so hard to start...I had my last final Thursday night. I slept in Friday, watched all of season one of House of Cards, broke it off with Keith, didn't go to bed until 3 am, and got up today at 2. I think I've been depressed about this long enough. I took a shower, and I'm heading to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get some cheap organizing things for my ever-increasing pantry. It has those wire shelves that nothing stands on and everything falls over. I'm also in a getting rid of stuff stage, so that's good.
This next three weeks I'm going to review Spanish I since I'm taking Spanish II next, riding my bike, and golfing. I've gotta get out of this funk.
I remember, the last text I got from Dan after the settlement was "Have a sad life, you cunt." I wonder if this is it---will I ever find "the guy" for me? One thing, now, I'm not tied to this area after graduation. I just hope I can find a job that will make me happy and sustain me.
But, you know, that's really nothing in the big scheme of things. Jason's father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer, and it's not good at all. His in-law's lives changed in the blink of an eye - forever changed. No chance of growing old together, enjoying their grandchildren, retirement on their boat - changed forever. We don't know why God does what he does, but he always has a reason. My crap - just a blip really. Just a blip.